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Homework (Year 6)

Year 6 Homework


As we head into year 6, it is increasingly important that children should complete homework with greater independence.  Therefore, we are expecting all children to try to complete the maths homework by themselves, using the year 6 prompt sheets as necessary (these are available at the bottom of each term's table).  The purpose of these activities is to encourage a continuous recall of maths facts which will prepare them for their SATs and for year 7.  Pupils are asked to answer similar questions as their morning maths (which is completed independently every morning in class).  If your child would like an extension to the work provided, please see the links for the Primary Maths Challenge and the NRich investigations in the helpful resources row.  We have secured each child with a DoodleMaths account this year, and ask that all year 6 children ensure that they are in the 'Green Zone' each week...little and often is the best approach to manage this.

In addition to maths, we may also be asking pupils to complete  comprehension activities, the purpose of which is to enhance reading skills as well as boosting their reading stamina (they have a considerable amount of text to read within a short time in the SATs – 2000+ words in 2019 compared to 1500 in prior years). We still expect pupils to read at least five times per week for a minimum of 15 minutes as per the home-school agreement.  Anything above this quantity of five times will allow your child the chance to qualify for the platinum reading treats so please ensure that your child has their home link book signed by a parent/carer every day. We are really trying to stress to all of the children the importance of reading; therefore, if they do not have their book signed consistently they will lose some of their values time.

Occasionally, we may ask for additional research tasks to be completed.  This may be because the research around this subject is vital in order to complete the lesson in class, and it avoids taking too much time out of the year 6 timetable.

Finally, each week pupils will need to practice their spellings.  For this, we expect pupils to evidence how they have practised their spellings (eg with a quick test or through repetition) and their test will be recorded at the back of their spelling books.  If your child would like to extend themselves further with their spelling, they can complete a word investigation from this list of 100 words to sharpen your expression list.

Homework will be set and returned every THURSDAY.  If your child is struggling to complete their homework, they must see their teacher or LSA before the THURSDAY hand-in date.  As mentioned above, please use the prompt sheets at the bottom of the table as guidance also.

Times table booklets will also need to be brought in completed for the week on THURSDAY, and reading records will return to being handed in daily.

Any incomplete tasks will need to be completed during Friday lunchtime.

Homework will self-marked by the child.

Autumn Homework

Week Main Extras

Week 1

(Set Friday 13th September)

Week 1

6 x tables

Applications for House Captain 

Week 2

(Set Friday 20th September)

Week 2

7 x tables

The Water Cycle comprehension

Week 3

(Set Friday 27th September)

Week 3

8 x tables

UK seas and rivers worksheet

Week 4

(Set Friday 4th October)

Week 4

9 x tables

My Eternal Journey comprehension

Week 5

(Set Friday 11th October)

Week 5

11 x tables

Claude Monet research (see sheet for more information)

Week 6

(Set Friday 18th October)

Week 6

12 x tables

Water Safety comprehension

Week 7

(Set Friday 25th October)

Week 7

All ready for test

Research a major river (see sheet for more information)

Week 8

(Set Friday 8th November)

Week 8

3 x tables (if req'd)

Design your own Healthy Living poster (see week 8 sheet for more information)

Week 9

(Set Friday 15th November)

Week 9

4 x tables (if req'd)

Please click this link for homework research

Week 10

(Set Friday 22nd November)

Week 10

6 x tables (if req'd)

Design (and cook?) your healthy meal (see week 10 sheet for more information)

Week 11

(Set Friday 29th November)

Week 11

7 x tables (if req'd)

Book review to share in class...what has been your favourite book this term? 

Week 12

(Set Friday 6th December)

Week 12

8 x tables (if req'd)

A Soldiers Surprise comprehension

Week 13

(Set Friday 13th December)

Week 13

All tables, ready for Beat the Clock test

A Victorian Christmas comprehension
Helpful Resources

Spelling help

SPAG terminology

Spelling Extension Autumn 

100 Words to Sharpen your Expression

Maths Prompt sheet

Primary Maths Challenge link to past papers

NRich investigations link

Spring Homework

Week Main Extras

Week 1

(Set Thursday 9th January)

Week 1

Maya Gods Comprehension

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 2

(Set Thursday 16th January)

Week 2

Frederick Catherwood Comprehension

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 3

(Set Thursday 23rd January)

Week 3

Aztecs and Maya comparisons comprehension

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 4

(Set Thursday 30th January)

Week 4

Maya legacy project (see homework sheet for details)

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 5

(Set Thursday 6th February)

Week 5

Maya legacy project (see homework sheet for details)

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 6

(Set Thursday 13th February)

Week 6

Titanic research (see homework sheet for details)

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 7

(Set Thursday 27th February)

Week 7

Titanic research (see homework sheet for details)

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 8

(Set Thursday 6th March)

Week 8

PDL Jobs Questionnaire and Proforma for responses

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 9

(Set Thursday 13th March)

Week 9

Magic Potion comprehension

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Grammar Hammer (optional)

Week 10

(Set Thursday 20th March)

Week 10

Reading comprehension

(Superhero Facts)

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 11

(Set Thursday 27th March)

Week 11

Reading comprehension

(Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets)

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 12

(Set Thursday 3rd April)

This Easter, we would like children to complete their own revision for maths and English.  This could be from completing Doodle Maths or Doodle English, working through their CGP revision booklets or completing some of the activities to the right. 

This will be collated on Thursday 18th of April and shared with their class where HPs will be rewarded for effort.

Maths SATs revision

Ninja SPAG

SPAG spotter

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Helpful Resources

Spelling help

SPAG terminology

Spelling Extension Autumn 

100 Words to Sharpen your Expression

Maths Prompt sheet

Primary Maths Challenge link to past papers

NRich investigations link

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Summer Homework

Week Main Extras

Week 1

(Set Thursday 24th April)

Week 1

DoodleMaths and DoodleEnglish

Florence Nightingale comprehension

Spelling help

Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 2 to 4

(Set Thursday 1st May)

Week 2

Relaxation bingo alongside revision and completion of CGP booklets (see column opposite for helpful links).  

Jobs for children comprehension

SPAG terminology,  Spelling rules


SPAG spotter

Ninja SPAG



Maths SATs revision



Be in the Green Zone for Doodle Maths

Week 5

(Set Thursday 22nd May)

Greatest Victorian Project  

Week 6

(Set Thursday 29th May)

Audition pieces for the Leaver's Performance  

Week 7

(Set Thursday 5th June)

Rehearse songs/lines for the Leaver's Performance  

Week 8

(Set Thursday 12th June)

Rehearse songs/lines for the Leaver's Performance History project due 7th July

Week 10

(Set Thursday 19th June)

Rehearse songs/lines for the Leaver's Performance  

Week 11

(Set Thursday 26th June)

Rehearse songs/lines for the Leaver's Performance  

Week 12

(Set Thursday 3rd July)

Rehearse songs/lines for the Leaver's Performance

Helpful Resources

Spelling help

SPAG terminology

Spelling Extension Autumn 

100 Words to Sharpen your Expression

Maths Prompt sheet