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School Office

Here in the 'School Office' section of the website you will find a range of useful links within the right hand bar. Look at our Prospectus, link through to Parent Pay...and much more.





School Notices 

Replacement Items

We hope children and their families are gaining a real benefit from the free booklet, (Link Book and Timestable book) that the school provided at the beginning of this term.  Sadly, we cannot replace these booklets free of charge from our already badly stretched budget.  If your child loses or damages this booklet, we reserve the right to charge to replace it and this will cost £1 per booklet which will be processed through ParentPay.  We will alert you if this happens.

Medical Appointments:

When making medical appointments for your child could we ask that these are made during the school holidays if possible. If they need to have an appointment during school time could you ask for afternoon appointments if available. If neither of these options are possible and you are planning to bring your child in late morning, please phone the office before 10.00 am to let us know their lunch choice or send them in with a packed lunch from home. Thank you.


Community and Council Notices


Hampshire County Council, in accordance with statutory requirements, is consulting on proposed changes to the admission arrangements for 2026/27 for all community and voluntary controlled schools within its area and would like to hear your views. 

You can view the full consultation at

The consultation will run from Monday 11 November to Friday 27 December 2024. 


Promoting walking and cycling 

As part of Hampshire County Council’s commitment to improve accessibility and enable more people to walk and cycle for short journeys,  they would like to consult with families and staff. We have been invited to help us identify where there are barriers to walking and cycling on your local streets. HCC want to hear from all walkers and cyclists, including people who use mobility aids (including mobility scooters), pushchairs or buggies, people who use cargo bikes and trailers, or other adapted cycles.

The kinds of barriers we are looking for include:

  • Crossings that are difficult to use because they don’t have dropped kerbs and tactile paving 

  • Dropped kerbs which are not flush with the road; these can make travel difficult for wheelchair users;

  • Staggered or chicane barriers;

  • Bollards placed too closely together;

  • Items such as guard railing, lampposts and signposts which make the pavement too narrow.

In some cases, physical measures have been installed for safety reasons, or to deter unlawful access. Where a safety concern remains, alterations to position or type of measure can often be made to make the road accessible, for example to wheelchair users. Safety audits will be completed for any changes made.
They are also looking for information on cycle signs and cycle parking, including:

  • End of route/cyclists rejoin carriageway signs (these are often used interchangeably) and no cycling signs. There are no current plans to remove these, but knowing where they are will help us plan better in the future – for example, showing people cycling and where to go when a route ends;

  • Locations for new cycle parking, or places where existing cycle parking is not meeting demand.

Given the current financial pressures Hampshire County Council is facing, they will need to seek external funding to make improvements. The information you share will help us to do this, for example by bidding for government funding, or negotiating contributions from new developments. If more funding is available in the future, we may reopen the survey.

Please note, you should not report any highway defects, e.g. potholes or damaged signs in this consultation. These should be reported by visiting 

Have your say
For more information, and to complete the survey:
Phone number: 0300 555 1388


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