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Home School Link Worker



Herne’s Home School Link Worker is Miss Sonja Balmer 

What does a Home School Link Worker do? 

Being a parent can be one of the hardest jobs you will ever do. I can offer you a listening ear and some understanding of the many ups and downs of family life. I’m here to provide support for you and your family, to enable your children to enjoy school and feel happy and safe. 

How I can help 

  • Provide a safe place for you to discuss your concerns. 

  • Support children in school with 1:1 or group sessions, as appropriate. 

  • Guide you to other sources of help, advice and support. 


Issues I can help with 

  • Children who are finding school difficult, who are anxious or reluctant to come to school. 

  • Families who are going through difficult times, such as illness, separation, divorce, bereavement, domestic violence or financial worries. 

  • Parents/carers who are experiencing difficulties managing their child’s emotions and behaviour. 

Contacting me 

Please contact the school office and ask to speak to me and with your consent, we will explore the issues together and identify the best way forward.  


Back to Basics 

A useful recourse that you can access at home is ‘Back to Basics’.  


This is a community campaign run by Hampshire County Council and partners to empower families to manage their wellbeing, with the support of the ‘five ways to wellbeing’.  


The overall purpose of the project is to support families to manage their wellbeing within the home, creating resilience and empowering families through conversations, resources and tools which can be found on the Back to Basics online platform


Each petal of the flower on the right represents one of the ‘five ways to wellbeing’:  

‘Take Notice’, ‘Give’, ‘Be Active’, ‘Keep Learning’ and ‘Connect’. 


We have a ‘Back to Basics’ noticeboard, just outside our main entrance, with tips and suggestions of how you can support your family (these change half termly). 


Please contact me if you would like further information about this.